วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

"Songkarn" - The most famous festivals in Thailand - the experience you will never forget

Songkarn what does it mean? How important? You may find that a party that does not forget this article.

Songkarn Festival or Water Festival is throwing the long holiday for Thais and is one of the major festivals. The word "Songkarn" comes from the Sanskrit language means that the transfer or detail. This festival is celebrated not only fun, but also the ceremony for the Buddhist religion. Family seem to be appreciated at this timeparticularly the elderly, because their children return to their homeland and make greeting with their older relatives.

Songkarn period can be divided into three days, and each day has its own specific name and activities that are different. 13. April is "day Songkarn", 14 April is called "Nao Day" or the date on which the sun moves between the ground and marking Arise old Thai New Year's Eve and April 15 is the last day of the festival "Thai New Year'sDay.

For activities, there are many types of games. One who is good is known around the world, throwing water activity, which is the experience more fun for everyone, in my opinion, people will go to the heart of its cities to play by throwing water and face painting, powder gypsum to others they are unknown. This will be the people know each other, sometimes more than a couple of these activities is possible.

Another activity that is a traditional ThaiPeople will do basically the day, which makes getting a good merit or from food to Monaco, but the other day in an ordinary way, why go to the temple, and there are many activities like pouring scented water are there built the image of Buddha pagodas of sand and some Thai traditional games played, should not be considered in the ordinary course of the day and will have some 'free Thai food for the actions of people who come to this ceremony.

This is just one example ofActivities Songkarn festival, there will be more than they imagine. You can find more information about the festival Songkarn and traditional places which is famous for Songkarn Festival, which from that site in TAT, but will give you more comfort if you have any package that was created by Thai tourism agency, which serves the appropriate package to choose your lifestyle.

